Understanding Financial Statements – WEN Members

WEN MEMBER SPECIAL EXPIRES OCT 26 – $49 per attendee!

Get the numbers right!

Put some Fun in the Numbers – Play the Game that helps the numbers make sense!

 Managing Your Business With and By the Numbers: 

Understanding Business Financial Statements for Non-Financial People

  •  Do your eyes glaze over when you look at your business Numbers??
  •  Do you cringe when peers say “How is your business doing” because you really don’t know?
  •  Does the banker hold your financial statements sideways hoping to understand the “balance” you’ve created.



Don’t despair!   Small business owners or managers without the financial background CAN understand those crazy statements you get from your accountant.   This workshop will focus on how to read income statements and balance sheets in a practical manner to better make financial decisions based on facts and data.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop the key metrics for your specific business to proactively know whether you are “winning or losing” and understand how & when to change your course if needed
  •  Identify new tools and use them to grow your business, improve your results, and achieve your goals
  •  Play The Game – The workshop ends with a Snacking Great Game to Cement the key concepts – no workout clothes required.

Key Takeaways

  •       Know what to look for from the numbers and how to use them to drive the results you desire
  •       Have a defined set of metrics you can use immediately to steer your business
  •       Obtain tools to keep your numbers on track instead of off the rails.

Date:                 Tuesday, October 30

Time: :               8:30 – Noon

Location:         Maumee Indoor Theater

WEN Member rate:  $49 AND each additional person – business partners or friends!

Instructor:    Linda Fayerweather, Changing Lanes LLC

Registration: Call 419-897-0528 or go online