The United States is celebrating Memorial Day today. This holiday celebrates those how went before us to secure our freedom. Thank you to each and every veteran that has given use the freedoms we enjoy.

This day is often considered the unofficial start of the summer season, hurricane season and vacation season. For Changing Lanes LLC, it is marking the start of our new adventures. When I started this company, I never imagined it would be more than me and my virtual assistant, Judy Alexander. But after reading Built to Sell and maybe the fifth reading of E-Myth Revisited, it struck me that I wanted to build a business that was repeatable, profitable and sustainable but most important was able to thrive with or without me. I would need help and to Change my own Lanes to make my dream happen!  I know have partners!

Moving forward, we are going to be continue the same work we recommend business owners do: Create a business that is an asset on our balance sheet. With that said, I want to introduce Jeff Mendelshon and Tiffiny T. Fayerweather to you officially. I’ve known them both for over 10 years, they were co-workers with my son and now they are part of the next chapter of Changing Lanes LLC.

Many thanks to both of you!