The week between Christmas and New Years for small business owners is either busy or nonexistent. If you feel like you need to do something productive, why not clean your desk. When is the last time you sat down and took a good look at the files and drawers you have neglected for the past couple of months or possibly years?

 Start your clean-up dressed for success, I’m talking sweats. There is no need to wear heals to chase down the dust bunnies you are going to encounter.

Turn on some of your favorite music and turn it up! Music is a great motivator to get things done. Many studies have shown that inspiring music can motivate even the biggest procrastinator.

Gather your shredder, garbage can, recycle bin and scanner. Put items into piles or throw them right into the bin they belong in. If it can be scanned do it, if not then file it.

Remember to ask yourself if you really need to keep random magazines, free samples from that networking thing a few months back or the coffee ring on your desk that just hasn’t been wiped up yet.

Last but not least, once you are finished sit back and enjoy it. It may not last long!

Happy New Year!