By the end of this week, the Holiday Music will begin.  I like to think of this as the planning season to help create a stunning 2013.  To make the most of a planning season, first stop obsessing about WHAT has happened and put your plan in place for what WILL happen. 

We increase our chance of success by setting goals for our businesses that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time sensitive!  SMART yearly goals yield yearly successes.  The more defined your goals are, the more likely you will achieve them.  The more realistic your goals, the more likely you will hold yourself accountable to tracking them, regularly.

Where to start?  Begin with the four basics of the balanced scorecard: 

  • Financial:  What metric (number) will we track monthly and what will we achieved by year end?
  • Customers: How will we provide value and satisfaction to our customers?  How will we know we have achieved this?
  • Process/Production: To satisfy our customers and stakeholders, what processes must we excel at?
  • Growth: To achieve our vision, what must we sustain, change and or improve to meet our goals?

A business plan for the next twelve months is one tried and true way to create a foundation for a widely successful year.  Click here for a pdf about the Balanced Scorecard

Let us know what you do to guarantee a great new year.   Upcoming Training on Planning.