Employee retention is important on several levels and 7o% of the US labor force is looking for a new job according to a recent Jobvite Job Seeker Nation Study. Jobvite, based out of California found that specifically that:
- 35% of workers change jobs at least every five years
- 18% change jobs every six to 10 years
- 47% stay more than 10 years.
Retaining talent is an important strategy for business growth and customer satisfaction. Here are HR Magazine’s tips:
- Re-recruit. Throughout modern business, we have seen the star performer that is quiet and excels not always getting recognized. Re-recruiting puts the managers in the frame of mind BEFORE the star – especially the quiet star – has left.
- Re-engage. Re-engaging can be as simple as have a flexible work schedule. If your business is an office setting, allowing some to start at 7, 8, 9, 10 and leave at 3, 4, 5, & 6. Something this simple with opportunities to reassess maybe quarterly allow families to do sports and morning exercise buffs to get in a great work out without getting up at 4AM.
- Re-energize. Re-energizing means managers need to watch and be aware of the energy of staff. Some things are as simple as encouraging everyone to take a 15 minute break during the afternoon in another location. People want to be passionate about their lives and that includes their work life. Re-energizing I feel is the hardest because it needs to be a business culture not a program.
Keeping the talent you have trained; your customers know, like and trust; and that is productive is a strategy for sustainability. Let us know what you are doing that keeps your teams happily productive.