For the past month I have been working on correcting some issues with a mobile site. I wish from the start I could have redesigned the site but it is 99% done so all I was asked to do was fix a few small issues and add a few last features. After working on this site I’ve come to the conclusion that just because a site is small (width and pixal wise) doesn’t mean it is mobile. The site is very difficult to navigate. I have to dig to find key information. It is a mess.

When going mobile think about this:

  • Key Information: A mobile site doesn’t need to be a full site. But it does need that important information that a person person on the go will need. Address, phone number, basic information.
  • Simplified & Easy to Navigate: Navigating a web site on your phone is very different than on a table or desktop. Phones have small screens and the mouse is your finger. Go big or go home. Clickable areas should be the size of your finger tip.
  • Classy Design: The layout should be simple, clean, but it still can look good. Keep it light on the images. CSS styling is your friend!
  • Non important information shouldn’t be on the home page: It is ok for the user to dig a little. If the user has to click one or two pages deep to get the information they need it is better than cramming it all on one page.
  • Mind your size: Some people have 4G but most people still have 3G. 3G averages 1-3mbps. In today’s terms, that is slow. Plus a mobile connection isn’t a constant connection. The faster a person can access/navigate your site, the better.
  • Maybe a Full Site: Being mobile doesn’t mean you can’t offer a full site. It just means how your site is presented is different. Instead of showing Today’s Specials, made its a button that takes the person to a new page with all the specials. If there is a lot, do paging. Just remember key information first then let the person dig.

Some of the best mobile sites I’ve seen is and (check them out on your phone). They give you key information in a very userfriendly format. Then allow you to dig deeper.

If you have a mobile site for your business take some time to check it out this week. Think about your site as if you know nothing about your business. How does it rate?