In the ocean called business standing out can mean life or death for your business. When people take notice they are more apt to pay attention to your business. If people are paying attention they are more apt to use your business. So I have one question for you. What makes your business different from your competition?

It is a question you should be able to answer immediately. If you can’t, then how will your customer know what makes your business different? If your customer doesn’t know, there is a greater chance they will pass you by. Being different doesn’t mean you have to be weird or exotic. All that it means is that you need something that is noticeable, memorable, genuine, and isn’t a gimmick. It could be anything. The type of service you provide, excellent customer service, the atmosphere of your shop, or all those extras.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What makes my business different from my competition? 
  • What am I doing better than my competition?
  • Why should a customer do business with you over your competition?
  • Why is my business forgettable?

If you are having trouble answering those questions, just look at any company that exploded on the scene. What made them different? It would also be good to ask your customers these questions. You might be surprised by the answers.

Remember, mediocrity is worse than failure. If you are just another business in the crowd how will you succeed? This week answer the questions above and post your differences in the comments below. We would love to know why your business is different.